Made Just For You


Made Just For You is your very own perfect creation. In order to have a candle made you must know the fragrance you would like. If you haven't already check out our Fragrance Page Scentful Aromas. Pick your fragrance, then pick your size from Size Chart (above). Once you know the Fragrances and size you would like then we can begin the process. Because this will be a 3 day process.

The Process 

  1. Fill out your information on form below. In the message box is where you will give us your fragrance (See Fragrance Page Scentful Aromas) and the size (See Size Chart) you would like your candle. If more than one candle please number them. Please list email and number to be contacted if need be.
  2. Once your order is placed and confirmed your candles will be made. It takes 3 days to cure every candle (Curing the candle is what helps the strength of the fragrance). 
  3. On the third day your candles will be ready to be shipped or ready for pick up. 
Payment Instructions will be emailed and texted to information provided below